World Water Day is being marked on Friday (today) under the head of ‘Water for all’. According to water experts, at least 85 per cent populace of Pakistan is deprived of potable drinking water.
World Water Day is an international observance day. The intention is to inspire people around the world to learn more about water-related issues and to take action to make a difference.
Pakistan is ranked among those countries, who are facing water shortage problem.
Pakistan’s ground water level is falling a meter every year mainly due to groundwater extraction for drinking and agriculture purposes.
Across Pakistan the groundwater contribution is estimated
to be 60 per cent for agriculture, 80 per cent for drinking and 100 per cent for industry. Annual groundwater withdrawal is estimated to be 65 bcm while annual renewable groundwater resources are estimated to be 55 bcm.There are around 1.2 million tube wells that extract ground water for agriculture out of which about 0.8 million are located in Punjab.
The experts have urged for the construction of water reservoirs in the country to store water.
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