Under the leadership of Chairman Planning & Development Board Abdullah Khan Sumbal, the executing agencies in Punjab have achieved historic implementation pace of development projects, a statement issued by P&D Board said.
The departments have utilized Rs 300 bn against the release amount of Rs 458 bn during the CFY 21-22. This reflects the 66% utilization of the funds so far.
Besides the efficiency of executing agency, this also contributes the robust monitoring system and close coordination by the Chairman P&D Board. Evolved by the chairman P&D Board Mr Abdullah Khan Sumbal, almost weekly, biweekly meetings were conducted with all relevant stakeholders and the impeding bottlenecks were immediately removed. The efficient and speedy approval of development schemes have also contributed towards this historic achievement.
66 Provincial Development Working Party meetings were conducted during the past eight months. Of around Rs90bn released for roads’ projects, Rs57bn were utilised, 68pc of the release funds. An amount of Rs11.1bn of the total Rs19.5bn released for public buildings was utilised.
The other departments/sectors included Specialised Healthcare and Medical Education Department that utilised 68pc of the released funds of Rs89.3bn, Urban Development (49pc of the total Rs26.416 bn), Water Supply and Sanitation (63pc of the total Rs34.6bn), School Education (79pc of the total Rs31.7bn), Local Government & Community Development Department (65pc of total Rs30.7bn), Agriculture (58pc of the total Rs29.9bn) and Planning and Development (84pc of the total Rs26.1bn). The irrigation department utilised 50pc followed by 52pc, 12pc, 50pc, 71pc, 78pc, 71pc, 34pc and 87pc utilised by the primary & secondary healthcare, transport, higher education, industries, sports & youth affairs, energy, livestock and environment, respectively.
Under the direction of Chief Minister Punjab, the Finance Minister and Chief Secretary took regular meetings and directed to ensure fast track implementation of ADP 2021-22, the guidelines and timelines are followed in true letter and spirit.
According to Chairman P&D Board, the performance of the departments is satisfactory yet there are challenges to reach the ultimate target.
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