US condemns Quetta blast, Bilal Kasi murder

US Director Office of Press Relations Elizabeth Trudeau in a statement said US condemns in the strongest terms the terrorist attacks today in Quetta, including the bombing at the Civil Hospital that killed dozens of Pakistanis and wounded many more, and the murder of Bilal Anwar Kasi, president of the Baluchistan Bar Association.

Earlier, in the morning unknown armed men had killed Balochistan Bar President Bilal Anwar Kasi at Mannu Jan Road of Quetta. The dead body of the prominent lawyer was transferred to Civil Hospital. A large number of lawyers had reached Civil Hospital to receive the mortal remains of Bilal Anwar Kasi when the deadly blast hit them at casualty department of the hospital.

Read More: Quetta hospital blast kills at least 70, injures 117

The dismal incident of Quetta blast has claimed 70 lives and left more than 100 injured including lawyers and media persons.

“We send our deepest condolences to the loved ones of those killed and injured, and we offer our assistance to Prime Minister Nawaz Sharif as his government investigates and works to bring the murderers to justice,” she said.

Read More: SC Bar announces unprecedented three-day countrywide strike over Quetta incident

“Today, terrorists targeted a hospital, as well as the judiciary and the media, two of the most important pillars of every democracy. The victims at the Civil Hospital, many of them lawyers and journalists, were gathered as free citizens to mourn the murder of Mr. Kasi. These brutal and senseless attacks only deepen our shared resolve to defeat terrorism around the world, and we will continue to work with our partners in Pakistan and across the region to combat the threat of terrorism,” she said.

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