HYDERABAD: In a dismal incident marking a danse macabre caused by criminal negligence, a high tension electric cable killed three minor girls in Hatri union council, ARY News reported on Friday.
According to the police, three kids sustained electric shocks by high voltage electric cables which caused sudden death of the three.
The deceased minor girls have already been buried in the local graveyard, police say, adding that the parents tried to hide the deaths of these innocent minors.
Hatri police have begun investigating whether there was any motive behind covering the deaths and the expeditious burial of the three minors, they confirmed today.
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Separately today, a group of ten Pattoki tehsil court judges have signed up for leaves on Friday in protest to mistreatment meted out on one female judge by a senior lawyer.
According to the details, president of Pattoki bar association, Mudassir Naeem Bhatti blurted out expletives to a female judge of Pattoki tehsil court while he also brawled with another civil judge.
The judges claim, reportedly, that Bhatti was drunk and that he said expletives and misbehaved with the female judge while intoxicated.
The scene has reported to have transpired yesterday in protest to which a group of ten judges have applied for holidays from work as their comrade had to bear mistreatment of a lawyer who they say was inebriated.
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