Sexual harassment victims vs society: What does law say?

Sexual harassment in workplaces is an endemic that needs to be treated with special care but the denial of it is what makes matters worse. Particularly, it becomes the victim’s nightmare when their sufferings are not only invalidated despite their right to a safe work environment, but when they are also blamed for it.

In a society where women are automatically responsible for men’s faiths and well-beings, and where the antediluvian belief-system that paints the woman as Satan’s ally and the destroyer of man, is still valid, the people of this gender and that of the other minority genders are always at the receiving end. They have to do twice as good to be accepted and less than half the bad the men effortlessly get away with, do to be considered humans.

But seemingly, the deep-seated moral depravity has worked its way to the top with those involved in contributing to the perversion developing a camaraderie to defend each other’s vices and to further shove the real victim. Birds of a feather flock together.

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All the whataboutery and gaslighting techniques come into play when a woman comes forward with a sexual harassment complaint. However, the new victim-friendly legal amendment in the 2010 protection against workplace harassment act is something that should empower the people of gender and the victim in general.

It further tightens the noose around the harasser, who cashes in on the callous societal behavior against women and other genders.

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