RAJANPUR: Over 600 school headmasters are booked over embezzlement charges of Rs 46.9 million in Rajanpur district of the Punjab province, ARY NEWS reported.
Other than the 672 headmasters, 30 officials of the education department were also nominated in a case pertaining to corrupt practices in the Rs 100 million funds allocated for schools.
The action was taken on the report of the anti-corruption department in Bahawalpur, which pointed out embezzlement in the funds allocated to schools for the purchase of furniture.
Each of the school was given an amount between one million rupees and 1.3 million rupees for purchasing furniture, however a majority of the fund was not utilized for the said purpose.
The technical team of the anti-corruption department carried out a probe into the the matter on the directives of its director and found irregularities worth Rs 46.9 million in a Rs 100 million project.
On December 05, district authorities in Karachi directed action against late-coming and habitual-absentee teachers.
Read More: Punjab government decides to open 100 primary schools
The decision was conveyed by the district Central administration to the principals of the schools within its jurisdiction on Wednesday.
The district monitoring team has observed during its visit to schools that usually an absence from duty without prior approval is marked as casual leave from the school principals.
The directives while addressing the issue, said any off from the school without prior approval will be marked as an absent. Teachers were also asked to mark their attendance in the presence of school headmasters.
It was further directed that a strict action would be taken against anyone in the school marking attendance of the others.
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