Sartaj Aziz to visit India on August 23

Indian Prime Minister Narendra Modi and his Pakistani counterpart, Nawaz Sharif, agreed to a new round of talks when they met in Russia last month.

As part of the rapprochement effort, the nuclear-armed neighbors agreed that India’s national security adviser, Ajit Doval, would hold talks with his Pakistani counterpart, Sartaj Aziz.

Since the prime ministers’ meeting, however, a series of militant attacks and border skirmishes have poisoned the atmosphere.

Nevertheless, Aziz said he would be traveling to the Indian capital, New Delhi, next week and he hoped the talks would at least break the ice on some of a range of outstanding issues.

“Our prime minister has always believed in dialogue as far as India is concerned,” Aziz told a news conference in Islamabad. “So I’ll be going there this month.”

India has blamed Pakistan for instigating the attacks over recent weeks but Pakistan says India is accusing it without any evidence.

Pakistan has accused India for firing on the border first.

Tension tends to increase ahead of attempts at dialogue, with analysts and diplomats on both sides saying the attacks are engineered by hardline elements within the two countries who oppose rapprochement.

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