According to details, PPP workers and supporters loudly voiced ‘Go Imran Go’ as a majority of PPP leaders during their address seemed to be greatly offended with Imran Khan’s unnecessary criticism on PPP-leadership.
PPP leader, Owais Muzaffar strongly criticized Khan for calling PPP workers as dead bodies. He said that an old man pretending to be a youngster, is being affected with PPP-phobia which keeps him restless at nights.
Akhunzada Chattan while referring to the participants of the PPP rally, said that these are political workers fueled with a passion for their leadership, unlike those ‘Mirasis’ who come up for dancing and listening to music at the rallies of another party.
Meanwhile, PPP leader from Islamabad, Zamurd Khan was also called upon the
stage to address the people. The announcer referred to him as the real ‘tiger’, who dared to scuffle with an armed man, Sikander who had taken the entire capital into hostage during a standoff with police, a year ago.Zamurd said that tigers are not those who run away when a few stones are pelted on them.
The speeches resulted in fueling up the PPP Jiyalas with anti-PTI sentiments and they started chanting ‘Go Imran Go’ with full force.
Up till now it was Go Nawaz Go, which used to be frequently heard on different occasions, this is the first public event in which the people condemned the PTI leadership, which claims to be representing the desires of the masses across Pakistan.
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