Nawaz Sharif has tasked Maryam with maligning state institutions: PM

pm imran khan pm house, office expensespm imran khan pm house, office expenses

ISLAMABAD: Nawaz Sharif is sitting comfortably in London tasking Maryam Nawaz to a duty to malign state institutions, PM Imran Khan said adding PML-N supremo is openly targeting the heads of institutions in the country which is like agitating them.

Speaking in an interview with a private news channel, the PM said he has been in the most gruelling routine where for the first time he has had to sit down for up to eight or nine hours straight to work since becoming prime minister, said PM Imran Khan in an interview on Thursday.

My life now has been limited to a beeline between the office and home since becoming prime minister, Khan said in his interview to a private TV channel late Thursday night adding that he had to transform himself after assuming premiership.

He said about the reforms in power sector which, according to him, the previous government left in a crisis so grave he could not fathom at the outset, that if he had known better, he would have done something about it as soon as taking the charge.

He said people come in politics only to make money and that the former rulers served their personal interests at the expense of institutions rendering them weakened and incapacitated.

Two political parties, Pakistan Muslim League – Nawaz, and Pakistan Peoples Party had held Pakistan hostage and it is due to these two parties we stood at the edge of total default. The recruited their political workers in government institutions causing bureaucracy to regress.

He said now these pickpockets threaten my government so I can give them NRO [National Reconciliation Ordinance], referring to Pakistan Democratic Movement.

Talking about the PDM narrative, he said when we talk about accountability of their actions when they were in power, they dub this exercise vengeance to seek sympathy.

He said the entire opposition is afraid they will go to prison that is why they have teamed up against my government, which he thinks is doing adequately.

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