President Alvi urges political leaders to sit together for country’s future

ISLAMABAD: President Dr Arif Alvi on Monday emphasised that all political leaders of the country should show ‘magnanimity by burying their bitterness and come forward for the country’s progress and prosperity’.

The president was addressing at Paigham-e-Islam Conference as a chief guest. The event was attended by a large number of ambassadors, ulema, parliamentarians and scholars.

“Pakistan was once a fast-developing country in the region, but now other countries were leading the path which required serious retrospection”, he opined.

The holy month of Ramazan taught the Muslims of the quality of forgiveness, therefore, all the political leadership of the country should emulate this quality in the face of prevailing challenges faced by the country, he added.

The president said that he was appalled at the spectacles of macabre aggression and violence unleashed on the innocent people of Indian Illegally Occupied Jammu and Kashmir (IIOJK) and Palestine.

A danger of genocide was lurking over the Muslims in India as the mosques were being demolished with suppressed religious identity and freedom, he added.

He said that it was indeed a difficult time for the Muslim Ummah, but he was optimistic that through collective efforts, cooperation and unity, they would overcome all these challenges.

The president further regretted that from human history, it was evident that mankind had not learnt from its bitter experiences of wrangling and tussles. The human race had witnessed large-scale massacre.

He said the teachings of the Holy Quran were eternal in nature which provided guidance to the human beings.

The president stressed upon teaching of certain Islamic values to the coming generations including the supreme quality of forgiveness, adding our Holy Prophet (Peace Be Upon Him) was an embodiment of this quality who forgave all his tormentors.

The president also lauded the role of the leadership of Saudi Arabia for resuming ties with Iran.

Earlier, Ambassador of Kingdom of Saudi Arabia to Pakistan, Nawaf bin Said Al-Malki highlighted the significance of fraternal, historic and brotherly ties between Saudi Arabia and Pakistan.

He said the close and warm ties were rooted deeply and shaped by shared mutual interests, adding the people of the Kingdom and the Muslim countries held Pakistan in high esteem.

Malki said that both the countries had been working closely to further strengthen their mutual cooperation in diverse fields including trade and investment.

He reiterated that Saudi Arabia would continue extending its support to the people of Pakistan through different development initiatives.

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