ISLAMABAD: The capital city police launched Saturday a crackdown against organized beggary racket and detained an alleged gang-leaders Fida Hussain with some 50 of his accomplices, ARY News reported.
The police confirmed Hussain heads one of the organized beggary networks here in Islamabad and he would recruit beggars from shanties and kutchi abadi settlements who would be picked up and installed on stations, traffic signals, and bus stations.
Alleged racket head Fida Hussain charges each of his installed beggars Rs100 a day, claimed police while also saying they have detained the vehicle used for beggars’ pick and drop.
READ: 70 beggars arrested in Karachi during fresh crackdown
Separately two days ago in Karachi, as many as 70 beggars were rounded up by the police in city’s South Zone during an operation launched against the begging mafia.
The operation is to be concluded in phases in order to discourage the ‘professional beggary in the metropolis’. In the first three days of the drive, 70 beggars have been arrested from the city’s South Zone and 22 cases have been registered against them.
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