PM Sharif informs John Kerry about Indian ceasefire violation on LoC

Secretary Kerry conveyed that President Obama looked forward to the visit of Prime Minister Nawaz Sharif to Washington in October.

The Prime Minister and Secretary Kerry discussed bilateral cooperation on a wide range of issues.

The Prime Minister shared his views on relations with India and expressed concern over the Indian ceasefire violations on the LoC and the working boundary. The Prime Minister reaffirmed Pakistan’s commitment to peaceful resolution of all outstanding issues through dialogue.

The Prime Minister highlighted the military achievements against the militants in FATA through Operation Zarb-e-Azb, which was now entering its concluding phase. These successes have improved the security situation in Pakistan.

Secretary Kerry appreciated Pakistan’s counter terrorism efforts and the success of Operation Zarb-e-Azb. He also expressed condolences over the terrorist attack on Badaber.

Peace and reconciliation efforts in Afghanistan, as well as the security situation, were also discussed.

The PM was assisted by Adviser to the Prime Minister on National Security & Foreign Affairs Sartaj Aziz, Finance Minister Ishaq Dar, Minister of State/Special Assistant to the Prime Minister on Foreign Affairs Tariq Fatemi as well as other senior officials.

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