PM Imran Khan takes notice as 50 arrested over Sialkot incident

ISLAMABAD: Prime Minister Imran Khan has taken notice of the Sialkot incident where a Sri Lankan-national manager of a factory was set ablaze by an enraged mob, ARY NEWS reported quoting Minister for Religious Affairs Noor ul Haq Qadri.

“The prime minister has contacted Punjab government and sought details regarding the unfortunate incident,” he said adding that the premier has directed to bring the perpetrators to justice.

He further shared that Imran Khan has said that safeguarding the life and property of foreigners is the responsibility of the state and no one would be allowed to take the law into their hand.

Special Assistant to Chief Minister (SACM) on Information Hasaan Khawar while detailing the incident and subsequent actions from the state in a presser said that the factory workers allegedly tortured the manager and the police reached the incident site as soon as they were informed regarding it.

“We will take action if police’s negligence is proved in the case,” he said.

“The incident with the Sri Lankan factory manager was unfortunate,” the spokesman for the Punjab government said and added that a high-level inquiry has been ordered into it by the chief minister Punjab.

He further shared that nearly 50 people have been arrested over their alleged involvement in the entire episode as authorities are also looking into the CCTV footage to make further arrests.


PM’s special aide on religious harmony Tahir Ashrafi while speaking during the presser alongside him condemned the entire incident and said that those involved in the Sialkot episode have defamed the teachings of the religion.

“This is an attempt to hurt blasphemy laws in the country,” he said while sharing that no case has been registered in the ongoing year under these laws. “There is a law to deal with this issue and no one could be allowed to take the law into his own hand,” he said.

Tahir Ashrafi further announced that a delegation of religious scholars would visit the Sri Lankan embassy to condole over the unfortunate incident.

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