PM praises committee over prison reform package’s report

ISLAMABAD: Prime Minister Imran Khan has congratulated Barrister Syed Ali Zafar and the members of Prisoners’ Aid Committee over finalising report on prison reforms’ package, ARY News reported on Tuesday.

PM Imran Khan, in his Twitter message, praised the efforts of the prisoners’ aid committee for tabling a report for effective prison reforms. He said, “It will ensure greater public safety & rehab of prisoners on the principle that a prison sentence does not imply deprivation of human rights.”

It is pertinent to mention here

that PM Khan had directed Prisoners Aid Committee on August 5 for formulating a mechanism to support those prisoners facing jail terms in minor crimes. A mechanism was sought by the premier to provide assistance to the underprivileged prisoners.

It emerged earlier that PM Khan had ordered to collect a complete record of prisoners including women, elderly and disabled persons by conducting a survey of all jails after constituting the aid committee comprising secretary interior, provincial home secretaries, inspectors general of jails and other stakeholders.

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