While discussing bilateral relations with the Indian counterpart, on the sidelines of the Heart of Asia conference in New Delhi on Tuesday, Aizaz Chaudhry also discussed the issue of Indian Navy officer Kulbhushan Yadav, who was arrested from Balochistan over allegations of spying for Research and Analysis Wing (RAW) intelligence agency of India. Chaudhry and expressed concern over malicious activities being carried out by India in Karachi and Balochistan.
The Indian foreign secretary had alleged Yadav was kidnapped and requested consular access to the arrested Indian national Yadav, which was rejected by Pakistan.
He also turned down allegation of Indian involvement in Balochistan and said to expedite the investigation into Pathankot attack in India.
Pakistan’s foreign secretary also underscored Pakistan’s commitment to have friendly relations with all its neighbours including India in line with Prime Minister Nawaz Sharif’s vision and urged for resumption of the comprehensive and meaningful dialogue over the contentious issues between the two countries.
The foreign office spokesperson in Islamabad said the foreign secretaries level meeting provided a useful opportunity to exchange views on recent developments in the bilateral context.
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