Six months since the APS Peshawar tragedy, what next?

Today marks six months since APS Peshawar tragedy, which guided Pakistan to unite in its war against terrorism. To own the war which was being disowned by various segments of the society giving a number of reasons.

During these six months Pakistan’s political stakeholders have ironed out differences to decide a National Plan against Counter Terrorism with clearer vision and resolve with legislative measures to tackle the menace of terrorism in the country.

After December 16 massacre Pakistan lifted moratorium over executions as a step to fight against terrorists. The ban on executions was imposed in the country during the government of Pakistan People’s Party in 2008.

The country has executed 163 death row prisoners after lifting of the ban on executions in December 2014.


Army has launched its Zarb-e-Azb operation against militants’ infested North Waziristan tribal region, which is considered as the nerve centre of militancy in the country. The Army has claimed major successes in this tribal region, which is bordering Afghanistan.

The military has also initiated another operation in Khyber Agency to clean the region from militants.

It can be said that the steps to tackle the issue of terrorism still needs more to do on the part of the state and the society. To uproot terrorism it is necessary to get rid of the jaundiced mindset, which germinate the flawed outlook and misguide.

However, Pakistan is fighting its war against the menace of terrorism with more resolve and singlemindedness after the December 16 Peshawar tragedy that shook the country.

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