No law can be made against human rights, says CJ Jamali

In his address with a seminar here, the chief justice said that law education across the world is imparted in the national language, adding that implementation of Urdu is highly necessary in the country for it is our national language.

He emphasized on the need to educate the masses in Urdu saying that efforts were being made to ensure the national language to be the medium of instruction.

It is unfortunate that there are not enough efforts made in government institutions in this regard despite a historic judgment by the Supreme Court, said Jamali.

“The legislature, the judiciary and the administration are all required to play the roles entrusted to them,” he said. “Along with this, the whole of society is responsible to act upon the rules and regulations.”

Moreover, the CJ said the constitution has the detail of basic human rights enshrined in it and no law can be made in contrast with them.

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