NEPRA okays another power tariff hike for KE consumers

K-Electric power tariff hikeK-Electric power tariff hike

KARACHI: The National Electric Power Regulatory Authority (NEPRA) on Thursday approved Rs6.49 increase in the power tariff for the electricity consumers of K-Electric (KE), ARY News reported.

The hike in the power tariff for K-Electric consumers was approved on account of the monthly Fuel Charges Adjustment (FCA).

NEPRA’s hearing on the request of K-Electric to increase the power tariff was held today under the chair NEPRA chairman Tauseef H. Farooqi.

The amount will be received in the bills of July 2022, the power regulator body said.

K-Electric, the sole power utility in Karachi, Tuesday submitted a request to the National Electric Power Regulatory Authority (Nepra) seeking another hike of Rs4.86 in tariff under fuel adjustment charges.

According to the request, the power utility requested an increase of Rs4.52 for January to March 2022, and rupee 0.36 for April.

Also Read: NEPRA hikes electricity prices for K-Electric consumers

Recently, National Electric Power Regulatory Authority (NEPRA) approved an Rs7.91 increase per unit of electricity.

According to a notification issued by NEPRA, the government had increased the basic tariff per unit of electricity by Rs7.91. The per-unit price was increased from Rs16.91 to Rs24.82, which is a 47% hike in prices.

NEPRA said that the price hike was made due to an increase in fuel prices and increases in the cost of production. The new rates would be applied from July 2022, it added.

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