NA approves hike in salaries, allowances of parliamentarians

The resolution sought hike in salaries of speaker and deputy speaker of NA, chairman and deputy chairman of Senate, and other members of the Parliament.

Those ready to oppose each other on public issues today unified in their own interest and approved the resolution minutes after it was tabled.

With the hike in salary, a member of the Parliament will receive around 7,25,000 a month to represent the people. Sources said the salary of a member is being raised to Rs 200,000 from Rs 71,000 per month.

The suggestion to give another Rs 2,20,000 to a member in different allowances on monthly

basis is apart from it. The members will also get Rs 50,000 transport allowance. The recommendation of tripling the number of air tickets for member was also part of the resolution, after which a parliamentarian will get thirty tickets a month, compared to ten tickets earlier.

The NA speaker and chairman Senate each will be paid Rs 4,00,000 monthly, while deputy speaker and deputy chairman will be given Rs 3,50,000 per month.

The recommendations will be part of the upcoming finance bill next month. The salaries, allowances and privileges of members of the Parliament are defined under the Salaries and Allowances Act, 1974.

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