Military fighting a war greater than that of 65 or 71: Abdul Qadir Baloch

Addressing the industrialists and the traders at Lahore Chamber of Commerce and Industry (LCCI), Abdul Qadir Baloch said that the internally displaced persons (IDPs) of North Waziristan is a great national tragedy, but so far the nation has not demonstrated its widespread support in this regard, like the way it did in the past.

He said that the Pakistan Army is fighting a war greater than that of 1965 and 1971.

Baloch said the nation should be thankful to the military, for 7000 officials and troops of the Pakistan Army sacrificed their lives while fighting terrorism in the state.

The Minister for States and Frontier Regions elaborated that more than 9 lac people were displaced due to the military offensive in North Waziristan and urged the big-hearted people of Lahore to donate generously for the restoration of operation affectees.

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