Lahore High Court constitutes Punjab Water Commission

Sahiwal, Lahire High Court, judicial commissionSahiwal, Lahire High Court, judicial commission

LAHORE: Lahore High Court (LHC) on Friday ordered constitution of Punjab Water Commission while hearing petitions seeking court order to secure clean water.

The lawyer of Punjab government argued before the court that the Water Act has already been in effect in the province adding that there was no need of the water commission.

Justice Shahid Karim of LHC asked the counsel “why the government is opposing formation of the water commission and rejected the provincial government’s plea against the commission?”

The court ordered the government to submit the first report of the water commission within 15 days.

Justice Karim remarked that the country could face a serious water scarcity crisis by year 2025. The court will protect fundamental human rights.

Earlier, petitioner Barrister Salman Niazi contended that the formation of water commission has no link with the Water Act. The government didn’t legislate over the loss of water so far.

He pleaded to the bench to form a water commission to secure the clean water.

The court after hearing arguments of the counsel rejected the government’s request and declared formation of Punjab Water Commission.

In a previous hearing the bench had summoned implementation report on the water policy and concerned report of the World Bank.

The court was informed that according to a World Bank report Pakistan loses water of around estimated value of 12 billion dollars’ every year.


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