Karachi minor sells hand-embroidered clothes in streets for family survival

Abdul Rehman is a 13-year-old Karachi kid who lives with his mother and five brothers in a shanty near Gulzar e Hijri, but to barely subsist day to day, he has to languish across the streets and crowded spaces as a hawker to sell hand-embroidered clothes. The bread is the only bang for his hard-earned buck.

Rehman is also an ailurophile and cannot stand the sight of a forsaken kitten. As ARY team entered his house and began to have chatter with him and his family, he suddenly jumped up and made a beeline to the bushes laying meters from the charpoy he sat on. This followed the meowing of a tiny kitten which turned out to be barely days-old whose eyes were yet to open completely.

When asked whether he likes to home one, he said he’d have to adopt this one, raising the pocket-sized feline, since its mother has perhaps left it. He knew the art of raising them and mentioned feeding them using dripper.


His mom says Rehman although is not the oldest of her children but is surely “the man of the family” and the breadwinner because without him the family’s subsistence is in grave jeopardy.


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