All you need to know about Pakistan’s Hajj policy 2017

ISLAMABAD: Minister for Religious Affairs Sardar Muhammad Yousaf has said that Hajj applications will be accepted from 17th to 26th of this month.


Addressing a press briefing about the Hajj policy 2017 which is approved by the cabinet on Wednesday, he said that a total of 107526 intending pilgrims will be selected under government Hajj scheme while 71684 will be selected though private hajj scheme.

The Minister said that balloting will be conducted on 28th of this month.

He said the hajj applications will be received through branches of ten specific banks which include Habib Bank Limited, United Bank Limited, National Bank Of Pakistan, MCB Bank Limited, Allied Bank Limited, Zarai Taraqiati Bank Limited, Bank Alfalah, Meezan Bank, Bank of Punjab and Habib Metropolitan Bank Limited.

The Minister said on direction of Prime Minister Nawaz Sharif it has been tried to give each and every facilities to the pilgrims.

He said that Hajj package 2017 for North region is 2,80,000 rupees and 2,70,000 rupees for South region.

He said the ministry is making endeavor to provide new model busses to the pilgrims for travelling from Jeddah to Makkah.

He said supervision of hajj operation will be strengthened and complains of the pilgrims will be addressed instantly.

The Minister said that an emergency plan is being prepared by the ministry to tackle any emergency situation.

He said keeping in view number of the pilgrims, 540 personnel of hajj medical mission, 450 personnel of assistants pilgrims hajj, 270 personnel of seasonal staff of the ministry and welfare staff comprised of Pakistani local assistants will be deployed as per requirement.



HAJJ QUOTA FOR PAKISTAN: Hajj quota of 179,210 pilgrims was allocated to Pakistan in 2011 by the Ministry of Hajj, Kingdom of Saudi Arabia (KSA) with the ratio of one thousand pilgrims per one million Muslim inhabitants, in accordance with the decision taken in the meeting of Foreign Ministers of Organization of Islamic Conference in the year 1987. This quota was, however, reduced by twenty percent (20%) in Hajj 2013 due to expansion work of Haram Sharif. However, as per agreement concluded between Pakistan and Kingdom of Saudi Arabia on 19.01.2017 at Jeddah, the 20% reduced Hajj quota for Pakistan has been restored at 179,210 pilgrims for Hajj-2017.


The following agreements have been signed for the Hajj arrangements 2017 by the Government of Pakistan with the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia (KSA), to be enforced, as per past practice:

i. Ministerial level Agreement for Hajj arrangements of Hajj Season- 1438H (2017) signed between the Ministry of Religious Affairs & Interfaith Harmony, GOP and the Ministry of Hajj Affairs, KSA as a consequence of the bilateral meeting held on 19.01.2017.

ii. Agreement between Maktab-ul-Vokala Al-Mawahid (United Agents Office), Jeddah, KSA and Office of Pilgrims Affairs of Pakistan (OPAP), Government of Pakistan on 22nd January, 2017.

iii. General transport contract signed between Naqabah Siyarat (General Transport Syndicate), KSA and Office of Pilgrims Affairs of Pakistan (OPAP), Government of Pakistan on 22nd January, 2017.

iv. Agreement on provision of additional services, signed between Moassassah Muttawify Hujjaj South Asia, Makkah Mukkaramah, KSA and Office of Pilgrims Affairs of Pakistan (OPAP), Government of Pakistan on 19th January, 2017.

v. Agreement on arrangements and requirements of Hujjaj for Hajj season-1438H (2017) signed between National Adillah Establishment, Madinah Munawarrah, KSA and Office of Pilgrims Affairs of Pakistan (OPAP), Government of Pakistan on 23rd January, 2017.


(I) As a policy, there shall be no free Hajj.

(II) For Hajj 2017, there shall be two schemes i.e. “Government Hajj Scheme” for those applicants who intend to perform Hajj under Government arrangements and “Private Hajj Scheme” for those who want to make their Hajj arrangements through Hajj Group Organizers (HGOs), in accordance with Service Provider Agreement between Ministry and HGOs and individual agreement of the intending Haji with the HGO.

(III) On the persistent demand of the general public to perform Hajj under Government Hajj Scheme where the number of applicants were increased from around 86,000 to around 280,000 in last three years and in the best interest of general public, out of the total Hajj quota of 179,210, 60% i.e.107,526 would be allocated to Government Hajj Scheme which provides an economical package with reasonable facilities for the pilgrims while the rest 40% i.e. 71,684 would be allocated to Private Scheme i.e. Hajj Group Organizers (HGOs), on the concept of ‘public-private partnership’, with multiple Hajj packages and under strict monitoring regime to provide choice and competition in the market. However, Ministry of Religious Affairs & Interfaith Harmony reserves the right to re-adjust the share of pilgrims to Government and private schemes as expedient (The Honorable High Court of Sindh vide order dated 07.04.2017 directed that … let the Hajj Policy may be finalized, however, if the Cabinet reaches to the conclusion that the reduction is justified from 50% to 40% quota of the private tour operators then to the extent of 10% quantum of reduction they will not give effect till next date of hearing i.e. 17.4.2017. Hence, finalization of the quota between Government and Private sector to the extent of 10% will be in accordance with the final outcome of the case).

(IV) Applications for Hajj 2017 under Government Hajj Scheme will be invited through Banks and selection of Hujjaj will be made through “Computerized Open Balloting” to be conducted by a third party.

(V) Hajj dues, after collection from the intending pilgrims, will be placed in the Shariah compliant instruments/accounts by the designated banks.

(VI) After announcement of successful pilgrims, all those declared unsuccessful may withdraw their dues from their respective bank branch immediately.

(VII) Under the Government Hajj Scheme-2017, shared accommodation in accordance with Saudi Laws and Housing Permits (Tasreeh and Tasneef) shall be provided along-with board and lodging services.

(VIII) Shuttle transport will be provided to pilgrims under Government Hajj scheme accommodated beyond two kilometers, except three days before and upto three days after Hajj (i.e. no bus service from the afternoon of 5th Dhulhijjah till Maghrib Prayers of 14th Dhulhijjah is allowed as per Saudi Policy guidelines).

(IX) An amount of Rs. 13,050/-, non-refundable, would be charged from the pilgrims, who opt for Qurbani arrangements through Office of Pilgrim Affairs of Pakistan (OPAP). The Qurbani coupon would be purchased and will be delivered to the pilgrims before Mina movement. Those who do not avail this option will make their own arrangements.

(X) 02% of the total seats under Govt. Hajj Scheme would be reserved for the hardship, broken family, newly born infant cases, and applicants belonging to the far-flung/rural areas including GilgitBaltistan and Baluchistan etc. due to lack of access to the means of communication. The Ministry will work out modalities to utilize hardship quota in an objective and transparent manner.

(XI) Out of above reserved quota, 500 seats shall be reserved for low paid employees/labourers of Public sector/corporate organizations, companies registered with EOBI/ Workers Welfare Fund sponsored by their respective organizations under their Corporate Social Responsibility. The number of seats would be decided by the Ministry on the basis of number of nominations received from the Public sector/Corporate Organizations and companies.


The following are the mandatory conditions for intending applicants:
(I) International Machine Readable Pakistani Passport valid up-to 01.03.2018 and valid CNIC.

(II) Medical fitness certificate attested by a Medical Officer of any hospital or medical facility of the Federal / Provincial or Local
Government /Armed Forces, semi-government organization /Autonomous body / Corporation. Lunatics and mentally unstable
persons will not be allowed. In case, status is discovered contrary to the medical certification his nominee will be solely responsible for
any mishap in KSA and Ministry reserves the right to cancel his selection for Hajj or repatriation from KSA which may also entail
disciplinary action against the medical fitness certificate issuing authority.

(III) It would be mandatory for female pilgrim of any age to be accompanied by a mehram with her. However, in case of Fiqah
Jafria pilgrim, mandatory condition of mehram shall be implemented in the light of Saudi taleemat wherein female of 45
years of age is exempted from mehram.

(IV) All male pilgrims above 70 years of age may preferably be accompanied by an eligible male attendant/family member who
undertakes the responsibility of looking after and assistance in performance of Hajj rituals. Further, disabled applicants are required
to be accompanied by a male attendant to proceed for Hajj.
(V) Such applicants who have been barred from travelling abroad by any court/placed on ECL are not entitled to proceed for Hajj 2017.
(VI) As per Saudi Taleemat, vaccination against meningitis and seasonal flu would be ensured before departure to KSA. Moreover, polio
vaccination is also mandatory for all international passengers before their departure. Arrangements will be made by the Ministry
at the respective Haji camps.

(VII) Any person who has performed Hajj during the last seven years will not be eligible to perform Hajj in 2017 under Government Hajj
Scheme and five years for Private Hajj Scheme. This restriction will not apply to mehram of a lady. However, Haj-e-Badal can only be
performed through Private Hajj scheme. In this regard, the repeater(s) will have to pay the additional taxes levied, if any, by
the Saudi Authorities prior to their departure for Hajj.

(VIII) In the event of a pilgrim’s demise during his/her stay in KSA, whether natural or accidental, he or she would be buried in Saudi Arabia as per Saudi Taleemat.

(IX) All the Hujjaj are required to strictly abide by the laws and regulations of the host country during their stay in KSA.

(X) Any activity on the part of a pilgrim contrary to laws/ regulations of Saudi Arabia like begging, political and immoral practices, drug
trafficking, theft, etc shall disqualify the offender for future visit of any kind to KSA by the Government of Pakistan, in addition to any
other legal action taken by Saudi authorities. Moreover, as per Saudi laws, “Drug Trafficking” is banned and in case of violation,
perpetrators can be thrown in jail, lashed, or even publically executed/beheaded.


(I) Express Clearance Services to Hujjaj at Jeddah and Madinah airports.

(II) Up model air conditioned buses from airport to the residences of

(III) Provision of 100% accommodation in Markazia in Madinah

(IV) Provision of three time cooked meal in Mina and Arafat.

(V) Provision of mattress with double thickness and increased width in

(VI) Provision of filtered water and effective cooling system in each
Maktab in Mina.

(VII) Provision of fireproof tents at Arafat.

(VIII) Separate washrooms for disabled in Mina, Muzdalifa


The Ministry of Religious Affairs & Interfaith Harmony (MORA & IH) would continue the Hujjaj Muhafiz Scheme, launched in 2011 for risk management under the concept of “Takaful” to compensate the affected Hujjaj/nominee of the deceased Hujjaj in Hajj-2017. Each Haji/member of Welfare staff would be required to contribute a non-refundable amount of Rs. 500/- into the scheme. The said Scheme would compensate Hujjaj/welfare staff against the following losses:



The number of pilgrims under the Government Hajj Scheme would be 107,526. The application Forms (duly numbered), having security features, would be available from the designated banks, free of cost, and applicants would be required to submit application in the same bank branch along with Hajj dues.


As per previous practice, accommodation at Makkah Mukkaramah will be offered alongwith board and lodging services to the pilgrims for Hajj 2017, including transport facilities for movement to and back from Haram Sharif.

In Madinah Munawarrah, efforts will be made to accommodate 100% pilgrims near Masjid-i-Nabvi (Markazia) where transport is not needed.


Food would be provided to the pilgrims of Government Hajj scheme during their stay in Makkah Mukkaramah, Madinah Munawarrah through authorized catering companies and in Mashaair by respective Makaatib, three times a day alongwith tea.


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