FM Qureshi to leave for Tajikistan on 29th

ISLAMABAD: Foreign Minister Shah Mahmood Qureshi will lead a Pakistan delegation at the 9th Heart of Asia-Istanbul Process (HoA-IP) Ministerial Conference to be held in Dushanbe on March 30.

The moot will be preceded by Senior Officials Meeting (SOM) on March 29. The theme of the Conference is “Strengthening Consensus for Peace and Development.”

During the conference, the foreign minister will deliver a statement highlighting Pakistan’s positive contributions to the Afghan peace process and its support for Afghanistan’s development and connectivity within the regional framework.

On the sidelines of the conference, he will hold consultations with key regional and international partners.

The Heart of Asia-Istanbul Process, initiated in 2011, is an important platform to promote peace, stability and prosperity in Afghanistan through regional cooperation, confidence-building measures (CBMs), and dialogue.

“Pakistan attaches high importance to this Process and has been a regular contributor to the advancement of its objectives,” the Foreign Office said in a statement. “Pakistan is the lead country for Disaster Management and Agriculture Development CBMs under the Heart of Asia-Istanbul Process.”

In 2015, Pakistan co-chaired the Heart of Asia-Istanbul Process, along with Afghanistan, and hosted its 5th Ministerial Conference in Islamabad.

During his visit to Dushanbe, Qureshi will have bilateral engagement with the Tajik leadership. Besides holding talks with Foreign Minister Sirojiddin Muhriddin, he will have interaction with other Tajik dignitaries and review the entire gamut of bilateral relations.

“Pakistan highly values its close fraternal ties with countries in Central Asia. Pakistan’s relations with Tajikistan are firmly rooted in common faith, shared history, and geographic proximity,” the statement.

“There is a mutual interest in developing close cooperative ties in all areas. Pakistan hopes that the return of peace and stability in Afghanistan would further strengthen its historic links with Central Asia, including Tajikistan. The Foreign Minister’s visit to Tajikistan will help deepen bilateral cooperation in diverse fields and reinforce the growing partnership between the two brotherly countries.”

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