KARACHI: The Civil Line police on Friday registered a case against 15 people, including a fake doctor, for allegedly assaulting a team of the Sindh Healthcare Commission (SHCC) during a raid at an ‘unregistered’ treatment centre in the metropolis.
As part of crackdown against quacks, the commission’s team raided a private clinic in Karachi’s Hijrat Colony, according to the contents of the FIR.
It said a fake doctor, identified as Amir, along with 14 other people not only assaulted and misbehaved with the officials but also threatened them of dire consequences.
Officials said the clinic where the raid was conducted was found to be unregistered after an inspection.
Within a period of six months, 95 fake clinics have been sealed while 500 others have been issued show-cause notices, according to Sindh Healthcare Commission officials.
Earlier, on Feb 1, a team of the Sindh Healthcare Commission (SHCC) along with health department officials and law enforcement agencies personnel raided a health facility in Clifton area and sealed it for being a ‘fraudulent set-up’ after a detailed inspection.
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