Domestic consumers to face gas load shedding in winter

ISLAMABAD: The Ministry of Energy and Petroleum Division on Friday finalized gas load management schedule for the domestic consumers and industrial units as winter gripped most parts of the country. ARY NEWS reported.

” Domestic consumers to face load management during day time while there will be no load shedding in morning and at the evening time.”, said sources privy to the matter.

As per the devised scheduled by the concerned ministry, the industries working in the export sector to be provided 300 MMCFD gas, however supply to other industries to remain suspended. The gas management plan will remain enforced for three months (December to March).

The Oil and Gas Regulatory Authority (OGRA) on October 5 notified an increase in gas tariff up to 143 percent.

As per the notification, the per-unit price for consumers with 200 MMBTU use in a month had been increased by 20 percent. The tariff was raised by 25 percent on use of monthly 300 MMBTU gas.

For customers with consumption of 400 MMBTU and 500 MMBTU a month, the prices were enhanced by 30 and 143 percent respectively.

The tariff  for gas price for CNG sector was increased by 40 percent, while for the power generation companies, the gas price was hiked by 57 percent and for the rest of the industries it went up by 40 percent.

Earlier, Petroleum Minister Chaudhry Ghulam Sarwar said that the government had divided consumers into three categories and domestic consumers would not be hit hard by the hike in gas tariff.

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