DG ISPR urges compatriots to visit martyrs’ families on Defence Day

RAWALPINDI: The Pakistan military’s spokesperson Major General Asif Ghafoor on Thursday urged the people to visit the families of servicemen who laid down their lives for the country’s defence on Defence Day to be marked on Sept 6 (tomorrow).

Speaking in an interview to a private news channel, the Director General Inter-Services Public Relations (ISPR) said great nations always remember their martyrs.

He said patriotism is indispensable for the country’s defence and the nation has given great sacrifices in war on terror.

Gen Ghafoor added more than 81,000 lives had been lost in the country’s fight to eliminate the scourge of terrorism.

To look after the families of martyrs is the first responsibility of the Pakistan military that bears all their expenses, including those of their children, without any discrimination, he said.

About the Kashmir crisis, Gen Ghafoor said world powers from London to Sri Lanka stand by Pakistan on the issue.

Kashmir has now become a global issue because of Indian Prime Minister Narendra Modi’s belligerent attitude against the people of the disputed region, he said, adding the government is vigorously fighting the Kashmir case on the diplomatic front to frustrate Indian moves in regards to the held region.

The general said the Pakistan army has been supporting the Kashmiris for the last 72 years and will continue to do so until they get freedom.

He said the military has been keeping a watchful eye on the LoC, which frequently experience ceasefire violations by Indian forces.

Gen Ghafoor said the army’s main ceremony to mark Defence Day would be held at the General Headquarters.

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