Attempt to smuggle 120 rare turtles to Bangkok foiled

The Customs officials at Allama Iqbal Airport today foiled an attempt of smuggling turtles to Bangkok. The officials found 120 turtles from the bag of a passenger leaving for Bangkok.

The turtles were tied with tape in the bag.

Customs officials handed over the captured turtles to the provincial Wild Life and Parks department. The officials said that an investigation team has been constituted to nab the culprits involved in the smuggling of turtles to foreign countries.

Arrested man Muhammad Afzal told the Customs officials that he was unaware about ban on exporting turtles to abroad.

A case has been registered against the accused under the Wildlife Act 2007, officials said.

Recently another bid of smuggling 100 rare turtles to abroad was thwarted at Lahore airport.

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