In another shocking incident, a youth hailing from India’s Meerut district of Uttar Pradesh state attacked his father with a knife after he asked him not to play PUBG for hours.
According to a report, the incident was reported in Kharkhoda town of the Uttar Pradesh district on Thursday.
Later, the accused also injured himself with the knife after stabbing the father. Now, both father-son duo has been admitted to Meerut Meerut College.
Notably, the Indian government had banned the PUBG gaming app but the craze of the app among youth is yet to die down. People are still using the already downloaded apps in large numbers.
The youth identified as Amir attacked his father Irfan after he asked him to refrain from spending long hours for the gaming. Amir took up a knife and slashed his father in the neck multiple times. Later, he also slashed himself in the neck.
Read More: Indian youth commits suicide after being stopped from playing PUBG
According to hospital sources, the condition of youth is critical.
The family of the youth told police that Amir was addicted to drugs and was undergoing treatment.
It is pertinent to mention here that the Indian government had imposed a ban on PUBG Mobile on September 1 but the youth were playing the game by using a VPN.