VIDEO: Woman sparks outrage after throwing plastic bottle in hippo’s mouth

A woman has sparked outrage after throwing a plastic bottle into a hippo’s mouth during a safari tour in Indonesia.

According to the details, the incident took place in Taman Safari in Bogor, West Java. In the video, the woman can be seen throwing a plastic bottle in the hippo’s mouth.


Cyntia Ayu, who was driving behind the offending tourists, said, “I saw an arm pop out of a car window holding a plastic cup, waving it at the hippo to apparently make it open its mouth.”

The hippo happily open its mouth expecting food but was instead treated like a trash bin, she added.

The hippo tried to chew the bottle but it instead became lodged in its throat and Cyntia immediately reported it to safari staff.

They soon rushed to the animal’s rescue where they managed to remove the plastic waste from its mouth, Mail online reported.

It was said that the guard handled the situation and the hippo managed to spit out the plastic from its mouth before a vet did an endoscopy in case there was something wrong.

According to Doni Herdaru from the charity Animal Defenders Indonesia, the woman involved in the incident have been identified and added that she even apologized on video.

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