Popular messaging service WhatsApp owned by Meta, announced some updates to its video and voice calling features, bringing it up to compete with other services that offer video calls.
Up to 32 people can participate in a WhatsApp video call on a mobile devices, which is an increase of four times the previous eight person limit. Earlier, total of 32 people could only use audio calls, but now they can do video call as well.
With 32 person video calls supported by Apple’s built-in FaceTime app, WhatsApp can now more effectively compete with FaceTime for large group of video calls.
There is now the option to share a call link with others, something that is also a function of FaceTime. Also, long tapping on a caller will zoom-in video feed so you may message them privately or mute them as necessary.
For the people joined with their camera off, a colorful waveforms make it easier for them to see who is speaking. If the new participant joined the conversation, a new in-call banner notified the other user.
A new option will also likely to roll out in 2023, in which whatsapp is worked
In addition, WhatsApp is testing an iOS picture-in-picture functionality that will let users use other applications and multitask while still participating in a video conference; this feature is expected to become more generally available in 2023.
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