Pakistan grapples with drug-resistant typhoid outbreak as Sindh, the second-most populous province of the country, alone witnessed over 19000 cases of the fever during the past three years, starting November 2016.
So what is causing the disease, that could also turn deadly, to spread so quickly in the country?
The answer to it lies with the World Health Organization (WHO), whose webpage carries an article on the disease saying: “Typhoid fever is a life-threatening infection caused by the bacterium SalmonellaTyphi. It is usually spread through contaminated food or water.”
Yes, you heard it right! Contaminated food or water and this is what one could find at many places in our country.
But there is nothing to worry about as an estimated 11 to 20 million people get sick from typhoid globally and one could avoid it easily.
The first thing we will be discussing is prevention because it’s a saying: ‘Prevention is better than cure.’
Following are the guidelines issued by the world health body which could help us in avoiding the disease.
Ensure food is properly cooked and still hot when served. Avoid raw milk and products made from raw milk. Drink only pasteurized or boiled milk. Avoid ice unless it is made from safe water.
Read More:Study finds new superbug typhoid strain behind Pakistan outbreak
When the safety of drinking water is questionable, boil it or if this is not possible, disinfect it with a reliable, slow-release disinfectant agent. Wash hands thoroughly and frequently using soap, in particular after contact with pets or farm animals, or after having been to the toilet.
Wash fruits and vegetables carefully, particularly if they are eaten raw. If possible, vegetables and fruits should be peeled.
Other than the above-mentioned preventions, vaccination from the disease could add up as a strong deterrent against the disease.
In December 2017, WHO prequalified the first conjugate vaccine for typhoid. This new vaccine has longer-lasting immunity than older vaccines, requires fewer doses and can be given to children from the age of 6 months.
A drive has already begun in the Sindh province to counter the disease’s outbreak and over 10 million children will be immunized during the process.
Now comes the situation if one thinks that he might contract the disease. Here come the symptoms:
Symptoms include prolonged high fever, fatigue, headache, nausea, abdominal pain, and constipation or diarrhoea. Some patients may have a rash. Severe cases may lead to serious complications or even death.
If you have all or some of these symptoms, you should not worry and just call on your doctor, who would initially suggest a blood testing to confirm it.
Take prescribed antibiotics for as long as the doctor has prescribed. Wash their hands with soap and water after using the bathroom, and do not prepare or serve food for other people.
This will lower the chance of passing the infection on to someone else. Have their doctor test to ensure that no Salmonella Typhi bacteria remain in their body.