Viral video: Couple removed from flight for not wearing masks properly

couple removed from flight masks viral videocouple removed from flight masks viral video

A couple along with their children was removed from the flight for refusing to wear face masks and hurling abuses at the staff.

The video of the incident has gone viral after it was shared on Instagram by a fellow passenger.

According to reports, the incident took place in a JetBlue flight from Fort Lauderdale, Florida to San Diego, California.

When the couple was asked to wear their face masks correctly onboard, they started abusing the flight attendants.

A video of the incident has now gone viral on social media after it was shared on Instagram by a fellow passenger Alice Russo.



The video was filmed by a passenger of the flight, Alice Russo, which was posted on Instagram on September 10. She said in her post that the action taken by the crew was appreciable for dealing with the couple.

Russo said that the flight attendant told the woman to fix her sons mask at the entry, which she did not while her husband and the women both had their masks on-off the nose the whole time.

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