A post went viral on social media after it was shared on Twitter by a man who spotted a face starring out at him from the washing machine.
The hilarious photo was posted on Twitter by a 47-year-old man after spotting a face circling round in his washing machine. The post went viral when people discovered the cause.
Alex Boardman shared the hilarious photo on Twitter after he spotted a face circling round in his washing machine, and the post quickly went viral when people discovered the cause.
Boardman said he ‘nearly had a heart attack’ after spotting a face in the washing machine – only to realise it was his dog’s favourite David Bowie cushion.
Alex Boardman said he had given his Staffordshire bull terrier, Boo, some chicken as a treat but it didn’t quite go to plan as she promptly threw it back up all over her cushion.
Forgetting he had thrown it in the wash, the dad-of-two shared a hilarious photo of the late superstar’s face pressed up against the clear door of the machine, surrounded by the dog’s towels, Mirror UK reported.
He wrote, “Forgot I’d washed the dog’s blanket and David Bowie cushion. Nearly just had a heart attack.”
The comedian based in Stockport said, “It was genuinely terrifying because I’d forgotten I’d put it in there. The reason why it was in the wash was because that morning I’d given Boo barbecue chicken as a treat. It’d totally disagreed with her and she’d been sick all over the cushion.”
“So whilst I was dealing with that, I needed to wash her blanket and I chucked that in there too. I’d totally forgotten about it, and then walked back into the room and it scared the life out of me.”
“It’s really nice that so many people engaged with the tweet, I thought it was quite amusing. Obviously I put loads of jokes on Twitter anyway, but people found this one really funny.
“What really made me happy was that Kathy Burke retweeted it. Before I was a comedian and I was in school, me and my friend used to ditch school to watch Harry Enfield’s television program.
“When she retweeted it, I got like an additional 10,000 likes. I had to wait for my son to get home so he could show me how to mute the Twitter notifications.
“My phone was just buzzing for about three hours!”
Boo had claimed the pillow as her own when it was spotted by Alex’s son Luke in a charity shop five years ago, becoming a permanent feature of the dog bed.
As the tweet racked up thousands of likes, Alex said he appreciated the comments that rolled in, playing on many of David Bowie’s beloved hits, which included: “Washes to washes” and “Absolute beginner’s mistake”.
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