WATCH: People jump into drain water to collect currency notes

VIRAL video, People jump into drain water, collect currency notesVIRAL video, People jump into drain water, collect currency notes

A shocking incident was reported from India’s Bihar state, where a number of people jumped into drain water  to collect currency notes.

The incident’s video going viral on social media platform twitter, where a number of people could be seen entering the drain and collecting the bundle of currency notes in the denomination of Rs 2,000, Rs 500, Rs 100, and Rs 10.


According to the Indian media reports, the local villagers claimed that early in the morning, they saw bags containing currency notes inside the drain. Soon, a large number of people jumped in and started collecting the notes. They also claimed that the notes were genuine.

Meanwhile, the district administration is probing if the currency notes are genuine and who dumped them in the drain.

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