In an unfortunate incident, an apparent newly-bought car with a garland draped over the front ramped into a row of parked bikes and almost turned turtle in the end.
In a viral CCTV footage, a man can be seen pushing the gate in front of a building, making way for a car to cruise in. After a while, an apparent new Tata Nexon with a garland draped over the front is seen taking a turn into the housing complex.
The turn is taken so close that the distance between the gate and the moving car is very narrow. Later, the car crashed into the parked bikes and almost turns turtle before appearing to regain some of its balance.
The video cuts off as two men can be seen running towards the car to rescue the driver. The clip shared by Twitter user Sqn Ldr Vinod Kumar (Retd) is captioned, “What a grand arrival home?”
The location of the incident is not known. As per the date seen in the footage, the crash happened on Thursday. The turn of events during the ‘grand arrival’ shocked netizens and many wondered how it happened.
Sympathies went out not only for the unfortunate driver of the car, but also for the two-wheeler drivers whose vehicles suffered damages.
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