A day after Urwa Hocane slammed Veere Di Wedding actor Swara Bhaskar for her comments against Pakistan, the bollywood star in her latest statement has made an attempt to mitigate the bitterness of her comments on Twitter.
Responding to an Indian journalist on Twitter, she wrote “My goodwill towards the people of Pakistan remains unchanged despite the ban on her movie.”
Bhaskar further tried justifying her comments and explained in her tweet “There should be a distinction between states/ governments of a country and the people of that country.”
Following a severe backlash, Bhaskar had no option for face saving other than mentioning in her tweet that some of her closest friends are Pakistani and Lahore remains one of her soul cities.
READ MORE: Urwa hits out at ‘Veere di Wedding’ star’s anti-Pakistan remarks
Few days back, a social media video of Bhasker emerged in which an interviewer asked about her views on the ban on Veere di Wedding screening in Pakistan. To which, the actor had this to say: “And why should we hold Pakistan, a failing state as a keep taking pleasure and a sense of self-worth from all the silly things that are happening in Pakistan.”
Following Bhaskar’s derogatory remarks, other than Urwa Hocane, Armeena Khan and Gohar Rasheed and common Pakistanis also schooled Bhaskar for her ‘ill-informed’ comments.
Last week, ‘Veere Di Wedding’ was banned in Pakistan owing to its “vulgar content”.
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