US senators urge Trump to take immediate action on humanitarian crisis in IoK

WASHINGTON: Expressing concerns over human rights violations in Occupied Kashmir, the US senators have urged President Donald Trump to help in ending the current humanitarian crisis in Occupied Kashmir, ARY News reported.

As per details, the US Senators Chris Van Hollen, Todd Young (R-Ind.), Ben Cardin, (D-Md.), and Lindsey Graham (R-S.C.) wrote to President Trump and raised their concerns about the ongoing situation in Kashmir.

“With each passing day, the situation for the people of Kashmir becomes increasingly difficult. Therefore, we ask that you call upon Prime Minister Modi to fully restore telecommunications and internet services, lift the lockdown and curfew, and release Kashmiris detained pursuant to India’s revocation of Article 370,” the Senators wrote.

Read More: Indian-American congresswoman asks US to intervene in occupied Kashmir

“The United States has a

vital role to play in facilitating a resolution to this humanitarian crisis, and we urge you to act swiftly. Once the urgent humanitarian situation has been addressed, we hope the United States can play a constructive role in helping resolve the underlying disputes between the two nuclear powers, India and Pakistan,” the letter reads further.

Earlier today, the only Indian-American Congresswoman in the United States House of Representatives voiced her concerns over the alarming situation in Indian-occupied Kashmir and entreated the US Secretary of State Mike Pompeo to push India to lift the curfew in the held valley

According to a report on Indian news website NDTV, Congresswoman Pramila Jayapal, along with Congressman James P McGovern, pressed that the international media and independent human rights observers must be immediately allowed into occupied Kashmir.

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