ISLAMABAD: Social media is rife with reports of mismanagement at new Islamabad Airport. The grumbles on the cyberspace proved true when UK’s Labour Party politician shared her experience being at the airport and termed it ‘embarrassing’.
MP Naz Shah spent three hours at the airport waiting to collect her luggage. Videos had been circulating on Facebook and Twitter showing passengers frantically waiting for their luggage while the conveyor belt appeared ‘not working’.
The UK MP took to Twitter to express her displeasure over mismanagement by the airport authorities.
She said the airport opened prematurely and it’s not even equipped.
Here’s what she said: Over three hours just to get our luggage and finally leave #ISB new airport, others had been waiting for more than 5 hours after long haul flights, staff saying airport not equipped and opened prematurely and passengers not happy #Embarrassing”.
The new International Airport, 30 kilometers from the capital, is capable of serving nine million passengers per year and 50,000 metric tons of cargo.
The incident of passengers waiting for their luggage was filmed by an unnamed passenger who later posted it on Facebook with a caption: “New Islamabad Airport but same people. How change comes”
The post since then has gone viral and users from all over Pakistan have had a say in the matter, mostly blaming the passengers for behaving like madmen until the mismanagement was actually exposed.