The incident took place in Harbanspura society where kidnappers attempted to abduct 6-year-old Hasnain. However, area residents nabbed and severely thrashed them.
Police reached the area and locked the kidnappers into a shop to protect them from further attacks. They were transferred to a police vehicle after a standoff which lasted for more than two hours.
However, furious residents also attacked the police vehicle and hurled stones at them which injured a police constable. They raised slogans against the police and said that police officers are involving in supporting the kidnappers.
Later, area residents burnt two motorbikes which they claimed belong to the kidnappers. According to initial police investigations the abductors hailed from Kasur.
Last night a 13-year-old child named Azaan Naveed went missing from Bund road area. Family members said he left the house and never returned. They protested against his disappearance and blocked the main road and set tyres ablaze, and demanded that the police take action for his recovery.
The number of kidnapping in Lahore have said to be increasing. It is reported that around 700 children have been disappeared or kidnapped in the last six months.
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