Twitter tests new feature that lets users follow topics

A new way to explore interests on Twitter is on the way. The social media platform is a testing a feature which will allow users to follow interests and see tweets of their chosen topic on their timeline.

The company said on Tuesday that the new feature is being tested on Android first, reported The Verge.

When the feature goes live, users will be able to follow topics curated by Twitter such as sports team, celebrities, television shows with a selection of tweets on the topic featuring on their feed apart from the tweets from accounts they follow.

The tweets for a topic will be identified through machine learning rather than editorial curation and to avoid the feature being abused by bad actors, the platform does not plan to create topics for everything its users might be interested in.

This being done to help users find the best content on the platform and improve the overall experience. Users can mute tweets as well for a certain topic of their interest, incase you don’t want people to spoil an upcoming movie or TV show for you.

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