Whenever Shah Rukh Khan and Kajol come together, sparks are bound to fly. The two Bollywood superstars made headlines and generated a lot of intrigue, when it was confirmed that they would be starring in a flick together which will be titled Dilwale. Also, the movie features acting powerhouses such as the stylish Varun Dhawan, the uber talented Kriti Sanon and comedy veterans Johnny Lever and Boman Irani.
Set against a backdrop of drop-dead gorgeous sights, Dilwale is comedy, action and romance all packed into one. For starters, Kajol never looked so good before and flaunts her beautiful looks in various scenes throughout the movie. Whilst Shah Rukh is featured in romantic scenes with Kajol, Varun and Kriti Sanon are also apparent lovers.
Some scenes of the movie seem to have been coped from Fast and the Furious
. For one, there are too many sports cars and they’re swerving in almost all scenes. Shah Rukh Khan and Varun Dhawan each participate in hand-to-hand combat scenes and gunfights as well. All in all, the movie has its typical Rohit Shetty imprints; high-octane action sequences and comedy scenes.If you’re still confused whether the movie will turn out to be a blockbuster or not, here’s what Karan Johar had to say about the flick:-
Kajol and Shah Rukh Khan have always pulled off stellar performances and given fans plenty to reminisce about, over the years. Will Dilwale also live up to the expectations and become another smash-hit movie?
The movie releases on December 18, 2015.
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