Thieves masquerading as PPE wearing doctors steal $13000

A gang of armed robbers pretended to be coronavirus health inspectors to steal from a local supermarket.

The group are believed to have made off with 200,000 ZAR, or £9,392 ($13,000), from a pension payout point at a supermarket in Pietermaritzburg in KwaZulu-Natal province of South Africa.

The four men wore white lab coats, masks and face shields as they entered the shopping mall.

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They then calmly walked into the supermarket at around 8.30am.

Two of the men held a manager and a staff member at gunpoint as they removed all the cash from a safe in the office, police have confirmed.

CCTV footage shows the men calmly walking into the supermarket and speaking to a staff member behind a desk.

They then walk through a set of glass doors below the supermarket sign.

Footage then cuts to show the men walking out clutching various bags.

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The men then fled the area in a vehicle. Officials have not confirmed the amount of money the group escaped with.

Gang members did not open fire and no injuries were reported.

KwaZulu-Natal are also investigating the theft of PPE that was designated for schools and offices in three different districts.

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