‘Terrorist’ not ‘lone wolf’: J.K. Rowling corrects Daily Mail tweet over Canada attacker

LONDON: Author of the popular novel series “Harry Potter” on Tuesday corrected a tweet regarding a Canada student who was charged over shooting in a mosque by news website Daily Mail’s US Twitter account.

The Canadian student known to have nationalist sympathies was charged Monday with six counts of murder over a shooting spree at a Quebec mosque — one of the worst attacks ever to target Muslims in a western country.

The Daily Mail account, while tweeting a news article about the suspected attacker, described him as “lone wolf”.

This angered the author who shared a screengrab of the tweet and argued that the suspect be described as a “terrorist”.


It was not only Ms Rowling but several others also objected on the double standards adopted by the media on the issue of the Quebec city attack.

‘Biblical Tweet’

On November 29, Rowling also took aim at US President Donald Trump’s second-in-command Mike Pence and reminded him that before being named as Trump’s running mate, he himself opposed the Muslim travel ban.

Rowling’s commentary on Pence’s tweet was a single biblical quote: “For what will it profit a man if he gains the whole world and forfeits his soul?”



An executive order signed by US President Donald Trump on Friday suspends arrivals by refugees in general for 120 days and Syrian refugees indefinitely. Trump’s widely-condemned executive order also bars entry for travellers from seven mainly Muslim countries — Iran, Iraq, Libya, Somalia, Sudan, Syria and Yemen — for 90 days.

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