MUMBAI: The ‘Badla’ actress Taapsee Pannu responded the aggressive tweet of Kangana Ranaut’s sister Rangoli Chandel, saying, “As far as being “sasti” is concerned, Kangana claims to be the highest-paid actress, so I guess I am the sasti [cheaper] version.”
While being interviewed by Mumbai Mirror, the actress slammed, “I didn’t know there was a copyright on curly hair, which I was born with, and honest opinions. I’m not going to apologise for it.”
Earlier, Rangoli Chandel had criticised Taapsee Pannu in a Twitter message that few people wanted to copy her sister Kangana to run businesses but ‘they never acknowledge her not even a mention of her name in praising the [Judgementall Hai Kya] trailer.’ She added, “last I heard Taapsee ji said Kangana needs a double filter and Tapsee ji you need to stop being a sasti copy.”
While opening up about the tweet, Pannu said, “Not just Anurag, a few other close friends from the industry also wanted to retort, but I stopped them because I don’t want to give her any mileage on my behalf.”
Read More: Judgemental Hai Kya makers apologise on Kangana Ranaut’s behalf
“She can’t play the nepotism card with me because I’ve also struggled to reach where I am today. I didn’t want to engage in a word battle because I would not be able to match their language.”
The ‘Manmarziyaan’ star explained that she had said that Kangana needs a “double filter” but in the same copy, she had also admitted that she herself needs a “brain-to-mouth filter”.
“We are both opinionated and speak our mind which is a good thing except that sometimes it lands us in trouble. I had said it in a positive manner and not meant for it to be derogatory. In fact, I have often said Kangana’s an actor I look up to, my conscience is clear. It was weird to target me, that’s why it backfired,” she maintains.
Responding to the Rangoli’s tweet, Pannu said, “I didn’t know there was a copyright on curly hair, which I was born with, and honest opinions. I’m not going to apologise for it. As far as being “sasti” is concerned, Kangana claims to be the highest-paid actress, so I guess I am the “sasti” version.”
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