
A piece of skin can now be printed in less than a minute!

A piece of skin about the size of your thumbnail can be printed in less… Read More

WhatsApp adds shopping catalog feature, courting e-commerce

Facebook has been trying to boost revenue from higher-growth units like Instagram and Whatsapp, which… Read More

Cooking food alters the microbiome

Scientists at UC San Francisco and Harvard University have shown for the first time that… Read More

Lab grows mustard plants for Mars

The team has already succeeded in growing mustard plants, salad leaves, radishes and herbs like… Read More

The science of zombies: Will the undead rise?

Hordes of brain-munching undead terrorizing neighborhoods make for fun television and movies, but zombies could… Read More

Space: a major legal void

Experts debated the subject at length this week in Washington at the 70th International Astronautical… Read More

Scientists identify ancient baby bottles – and some are cute

Ceramic vessels, sometimes fashioned in whimsical animal forms, were used thousands of years ago as… Read More

Pakistani engineer manufactures country’s first voice-operated wheelchair

Pakistani student Faaiz Arbab from Lahore has manufactured a wheel-chair that can be controlled by… Read More

‘Iron dragon’ soared over Australia

Ferrodraco means “iron dragon,” an apt name, according to the researchers. Read More

Scientists discover oldest galaxy cluster

Astronomers have discovered a 13-billion-year-old galaxy cluster that is the earliest ever observed, according to… Read More

Jellyfish thrive despite man-made disruption of the oceans

Jellyfish have been on Earth longer than we have -- they are believed to have… Read More

Scientists join effort to solve mysterious vaping-related illnesses

The U.S. investigation into hundreds of cases of life-threatening lung illnesses related to vaping has… Read More

Scientists release mosquitoes to fight malaria

Their experiment is the first outside the lab to release genetically altered mosquitoes in the… Read More

Where DNA falls short in cracking crimes, scientists can use this new tool

DNA is a relatively fragile molecule that breaks down easily. That’s where proteomics, the new… Read More

Scientists find bodies move after death

An Australian scientist has proved that human bodies move around significantly for more than a… Read More

Indian minister says ‘Einstein discovered gravity’, explains it later with more gaffes

He later issued a clarification that it was a 'slip of tongue.' Read More

NASA pioneers malaria-predicting tech in Myanmar

The goal of worldwide malaria eradication within a generation, by 2050, is "bold but attainable",… Read More

Hunters turn gamekeepers to help C. Africa’s threatened wildlife

Scientists, with the help of the Pygmy rangers, are moving through the park to draw… Read More

Parrot half the size of humans discovered in New Zealand

When the bones were found in 2008 no one was certain what they were, and… Read More

Japan approves growing human organs in animals for first time

The cutting-edge -- but controversial -- research involves implanting modified animal embryos with human "induced… Read More