ratko mladic

Bosnian Muslim leader urges Serbs to ‘accept the truth’

SARAJEVO: Bosnian Muslim leader Bakir Izetbegovic on Wednesday urged ethnic Serbs to "accept the truth"… Read More

Srebrenica women cry tears of joy over Mladic life sentence

SARAJEVO: "Thank you God! I kiss you God, for the sake of our sons!" cried… Read More

‘Butcher of Bosnia’ found guilty of genocide

THE HAGUE: UN judges on Wednesday sentenced former Bosnian Serbian commander Ratko Mladic to life… Read More

‘Butcher of Bosnia’ faces historic war crimes verdict

THE HAGUE: UN war crimes judges will on Wednesday hand down a historic verdict against… Read More

UN prosecutors urge life term for ‘Butcher of Bosnia’

THE HAGUE: Prosecutors urged UN judges on Wednesday to jail Ratko Mladic for life, accusing… Read More