The World Health Organization on Thursday recommended a speedier, cheaper treatment plan for patients with superbug forms of tuberculosis (TB) - a change that should help cure thousands of the killer disease.
The old adage about sleeping with one eye open in an unfamiliar place may not be too far off the mark. A new study suggests that one half of the brain remains on high alert during the first night of sleep in a new space.
The World Health Organization has suspended the approval of tuberculosis drugs made by India's Svizera Labs, a major supplier to developing countries, following an investigation into standards.
World Health Organization (WHO) Director General Margaret Chan said on Tuesday Brazil is doing a good job tackling the Zika virus and ensuring that the Olympic games it will host in August will be safe for athletes and visitors.
Two U.S.-Brazilian studies will have initial results by May on whether the Zika virus spreading through the Americas is causing birth defects and other neurological disorders, a senior U.S. public health official said on Friday.
The Zika virus, linked to severe birth defects in thousands of babies in Brazil, is "spreading explosively" and could infect as many as 4 million people in the Americas, the World Health Organization (WHO) said on Thursday.
People who take popular heartburn pills known as proton pump inhibitors (PPIs) may be more likely to develop chronic kidney disease than individuals who don’t use these drugs, a study suggests.
Patients with type 2 diabetes should be given exercise “prescriptions” that specify the type, duration, intensity and frequency of workouts, adapted to the individual, according to a new review.
Britons should drink less because any alcohol consumption increases the risk of cancer and other diseases, government health chiefs said in new guidelines that were immediately denounced by critics as "nanny state" scaremongering.
When everyone in a car buckles up, passengers in front may be safer than riders in the back, and seat belts are at least partly to blame, a small Australian crash analysis suggests.
Many patients leaving the hospital don’t understand follow-up care plans because the instructions are tailored to people with higher reading levels and more education, a recent U.S. study suggests.
Britain's drug regulators have given the go-ahead for a British American Tobacco electronic-cigarette vaping device to be sold as a quit smoking medicine, the first such product to be given a drug license in the UK.
Many patients may be able to shower just two days after their operations without increasing their risk of infections around the incision site, a recent study suggests.
Every year on December 1st, the world marks World AIDS Day in order to raise awareness regarding the deadly disease and unite to help mankind against it.
Despite major advances, HIV/AIDS remains one of the world's most significant public health challenges, particularly in low and middle income countries, with new diagnoses every year and young women in sub-Saharan Africa seen as being particularly at risk.