Since last few years, Karachi has received inconsistent and irregular amounts of rainfall.
This year, like last year, Karachi witnessed more than the regular...
UNITED NATIONS:UN Secretary General Ban Ki-moon on Friday appointed former Irish President Mary Robinson and Kenyan diplomat Macharia Kamau as special envoys for El Nino and climate.
MIAMI: Last month was the hottest April in modern history, marking the 12th consecutive month that global heat records have been shattered, the US National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration said.
GENEVA: This year will be the hottest on record and 2016 could be even hotter due to the El Niño weather pattern, the World Meteorological Organization (WMO) said on Wednesday, warning that inaction on climate change could see global average temperatures rise by 6 degrees Celsius or more.
WASHINGTON: The World Bank said that it expects global commodity prices, important for emerging economies, to remain weak through 2016, with returning Iran exports holding oil down.