NEW DELHI: A father and son have been arrested in India for allegedly burning a woman alive over a soured relationship, authorities said Monday.
COX‘S BAZAR, Bangladesh: More than 2,600 houses have been burned down in Rohingya-majority areas of Myanmar’s northwest in the last week, the government said...
VICTORIA, Texas: An early-morning fire has destroyed a Texas mosque that had been a target of hatred in the past.
The Victoria Advocate reports that a convenience...
NEW YORK: On June 20, the burned body of a journalist was found in the Indian state of Maharashtra, a day after he had been kidnapped, according to media reports. The murder of Sandeep Kothari comes as the second such one of a journalist in India in less than two weeks.
MEXICO CITY: Forty-three missing students abducted by corrupt police in southwest Mexico six weeks ago were apparently incinerated by drug gang henchmen and their remains tipped in a garbage dump and a river, the government said on Friday.